Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Silly shirts

Jon and Mackenzie both have a love of weird shirts. Enough said.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fun with Family!

Our cousins spent a few days with Papaw and Nana, so Mackenzie spent every waking moment with them too! Papaw took everyone to Monkey Joe's one afternoon, and they all had a blast. Stephen is still Mackenzie's favorite kid in the world, so she was in heaven for 3 days. We missed seeing Michael and Katie the whole weekend, but we did get to see them for 1 day.

Hey, how did that guy get in there?!
Papaw and Mackenzie
The 3 Musketeers
Chris and Stephen

Monday, April 07, 2008

Fun at the playground!

Playground fun on a Sunday afternoon. Life couldn't be any better for a 2 year old!


Oh, the responsibility of helping Daddy get around at the grocery store:) It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Taking care of Daddy

Jon has had a bad week. Last Monday his back went out, as usual, but this time we got an MRI to find out what was going on. We found out that every lumbar disc is herniated, some more than others. Ouch! We explained to Mackenzie that Daddy's back was hurt, and he couldn't pick her up right now, or roughhouse like normal. She was very understanding, even helping out when she could. On Sunday, Jon fell asleep on the couch, and Mackenzie put all of her Backyardigans in his arms when it was time for her nap. She said, "Backyardigans make Daddy's back all better!". She took her nap without her Backyardigans (which is highly unusual) just to make Daddy feel better. What a sweetie! Wish Jon luck. He has been having disc decompression therapy, which seems to work, and he starts physical therapy today.