Friday, December 05, 2008

15 Week Update

Here we are at 15 weeks, in front of the half-decorated Christmas tree. (Mackenzie looks sad, but she was trying to hold still while Jon figured out the new camera's red-eye remover!) Most of my 1st trimester symptoms are gone, although I still am exhausted (hence the half-decorated tree), and can get nauseated by some smells. The worst thing, though, is my sciatica. Yes, I work for a chiropractor, and I get adjusted all the time, but sometimes it's still a royal pain in the a**.

Our next OB visit is on Monday, and then we get to schedule an ultrasound. Since fortunately I have had no complications in this pregnancy or my first, I only get one ultrasound. We're going to try to wait until as close to 20 weeks as possible, so we have a greater chance at finding out the sex, since we won't get another shot at it.

We are excitedly preparing for Christmas. Mackenzie helped me hang our stockings tonight, and tomorrow we'll finish the tree. (I already have the baby's stocking to match the rest of ours--last year when I bought them at Target, I thought ahead and got an extra! Now we just have to name the baby and get an inital pen to go on the stocking for next year!)

P.S. As I was typing, Mackenzie started crying in bed. I went in to see what was wrong, and she said, "I need to hold the baby." I asked what baby she wanted, and she answered, "The one in your tummy!". So we got to cuddle for a few minutes before she decided she was okay. What a sweetie!